By Correspondent
Government introduced stringent monitoring measures as conditions for approving Harare’s 2024 budget.
Details of the new arrangement are contained in the approval letter by the Local Government Permanent Secretary John Bhasera.
The new measure include submission of monthly reports through the year.
“Council to submit monthly reports updating the Ministry on progress attained towards addressing outstanding issues nothwistanding them being matters before the Commission of Inquiry.
“Be advised that stringent monitoring of these issues and other matters will be done on a quarterly basis during the course of the year.
Some of the issues upon which Government is demanding constant updates is the setting up of an Enterprise Resource System (ERP).
Council has been operating with no ERP for nearly 5 years.
However, the Local Authority has made much progress on the issues lately.
Recently, it tabled plans to spend US$2,6 million in setting up the ERP system.
It has since engaged the previous ERP system providers Quill Associates (Pty) Ltd, the implementers of BIQ.