By Correspondent
Local Government Minister July Moyo has been accused of engineering a fake demonstration by some members of ZANU PF in a bid to remove Victoria Falls Town Clerk Ronnie Dube.
A party insider, who refused to be named, said the demonstration by alleged War Veterans wing of ZANU PF was organised by Moyo who has been pushing to remove all local government officials not towing his line.
Norton legislator Temba Mliswa also corroborated the allegation and called for the removal of Moyo.
The Matabeleland North War Veterans Association (MNWVA), who led the demonstration, have also been disowned by ZANU PF DCC Chairman for Hwange Mathew Muleya who said the , “revolutionary party follows proper channels that respect the rule of law in line with the party’s ethos”.
Mliswa said Moyo should be stopped.
“The dastardly actions by July Moyo and tyrannical quest to control and manipulate local authorities cannot go unchallenged.
“July’s actions are not only ridiculous but they are obnoxious so they should be stopped. He isn’t stopping in his quest for power.
“Moyo has been organising clandestine groups to demonstrate against Victoria Falls Council officials who have been brave enough to stand up to his wanton corruption,” he said.
Mliswa added that Moyo has been targeting most Town Clerks and getting his network to create false allegations which are used to remove them from office paving the way for his ‘puppets that he can manipulate to sanitise his corruption”.
According to reports, on 3 October a group of ZANU PF members forcibly removed Dube from his office and locked the doors under the guise of representing the party’s wings.
They had a petition in which they outlined a number of criminal accusations against Dube.
He is being accused of illegally selling stands, illegally acquiring a loan for a vehicle from Council and falsifying documents.
However the party’s DCC Chairman Muleya said, “any persons who participated in this event acted in their individual capacities and were not sanctioned by the party to carry out such an operation.
“The Hwange administrative district as represented by the District Coordinating Committee, Hwange wishes to make it categorically clear that the party did not participate in the event.
“If there are any consequences that arise from this event, such shall not be borne by the party but by the individuals who resorted to such acts,” he added.