By Correspondent

The famous informal trading place, Mupedzanhamo in Mbare, is set to re-open by 20 December following a tour by officials this week.
According to a Council statement, “the re-opening of the market is expected to bring joy to the informal traders during this festive season.
Small and Medium Enterprises Chairperson Denford Ngadziore added that more development could be realised from Mupedzanhamo.
“Where possible we want partners to come in and assist Council.
“Where we need Council resolutions, so that we need to know who is doing what, that one will be done.
Ngadziore however cited various issues which he said we’re derailing progress.
“One of the challenges we have noticed in Mbare is that Police take sides (when traders clash).
“Chishawasha could accommodate thousands of traders but because of politics , because of fighting (nothing has been realised from it).
“I can assure you that as long as there is fighting we will continue on the same place vanhu vachifa nenzara vasina mari,” he added.
History Behind Closure
The famous flea market was forced to close as Council, owners of the premises wanted to solve the crisis of space barons who were collecting money from the traders while the council was not receiving any revenue.
Late last year, Council was given a three-week ultimatum by the government to come up with a plan for the re-opening of Mupedzanhamo and solve the issue of space barons.
However, this was shelved as new Covid-19 restrictions were imposed to deal with the rise in infections and deaths.
The re-opening of the market will bring a sigh of relief to many informal traders.
Several government officials including Devolution Secretary Muguti, Harare Small and Medium Enterprises Committee Chairperson Cllr Denford Ngadziore toured the place.
Also present was Ward 4 Cllr Martin Matinyanya, Mbare Ward 3 Cllr Tracy Chagaresango, Cllr Charles Chidagu, Cllr Brian Matione, Cllr Tonderai Chakeredza and other officials.