Staff Reporter

Residents, businesses and community leaders in Marondera have raised alarm on the failure by Marondera council to capitalise on its infrastructure to collect meaningful revenue.
The local authority has also been blamed of neglecting important things at the expense of ratepayers.
Open Council Marondera has compiled ten most topical issues which council is accused of neglecting.
1. Drainage
This has been a major concern in this farming town as bussiness owners grapple with drainage problems.
The CBD has turned into Marondera River! Other roads, like Ruzawi have become tributaries.
Through its mega markert Hunyani Deal, council said it is going to receive a sucker, meant to de-choke its drain pipes.
However, there is no sucker in sight, a year after the deal was been sealed.
2. Dilapidated Dombotombo Hall
The hall has been neglected for long and is in a dilapidated state.
If renovated, council could collect lots of money through bookings.
With 2023 elections in sight, CSOs will be everywhere doing programmes hence the importance of a refurbished Dombotombo Hall.
3. Rudhaka Stadium
The sporting facility used to be one of the best in the country.
In the past years , it has turned into a white elephant , only being used for free political gatherings and state functions.
Council has failed to offer the stadium to local PSL teams with some Harare teams travelling all the way to Vengere (Rusape) and Sakubva (Mutare) to book venues for their matches.
4.Contract Workers
A huge percentage of Council’s revenue is spent on contract workers.
The number of the contract or voluntary workers has ballooned to three digits, thereby ‘eating’ into expenditure.
The salary and wage bill for Marondera council does not meet the government’s stipulated 70/30 ratio.
5. Dumped Water Bowser
Marondera’s demon of neglecting things has reached an alarming level.
They have dumped a water bowser at Twala Tyre Service centre near Dombotombo market.
The bowser has been idle there for almost three months. What is the problem really?
Bowsers are crucial in the town to address emergence water needs.
6.Gumtree Plantation Looting
There has been massive looting of gumtree plantations in the town with both councilors and council management officials leading the syndicates.
The destruction of gumtrees is happening at an alarming pace and in broad daylight.
Trucks are constantly seen ferrying the timber to as far as Kadoma, according to council sources. Nothing is being done and Council losing lots of money.
7. Cronyism
Residents blasted council for allowing or executing deals that benefit councillors and its management officials.
It is on record that two Marondera councillors have facilitated the construction of roads leading to their houses.
8. Council Solar System Dead?
The massive solar system at council chambers installed few years ago is no longer functional.
No maintanance work was properly done hence money was lost!
9. Swapping land with luxurious vehicles
Most residents are angry over this move.
The chamber car park is laden with GD6s, like a rally.
In fact, the council car park is more beautiful than the municipality building.
Residents have felt betrayed through the deal which could have been done to deal with perrenial water challenges through expanding the water and sewer reticulation system.
10. No Public Relations Office At Council
Lack of information management systems has been a thorn in the flesh to most residents and other stakeholders.
Information has been scarce with every official turning into a council spokesperson.
The resultant confusion and contradictions are a tragic marvel.