Missing Bullets, Stolen Money and Leaking Fuel: Kadoma’s Shocking Audit Findings

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By Open Council

Audit findings from Kadoma Town Council by the Auditor General have revealed shocking acts of criminality and sleazy deals that have undermined service delivery.

The report, for the year ending 2022, lists a raft of criminals acts which defy expectations underlying the depth of criminality in local authorities.

Below we profile some of the actions as derailed in the report:

An Accounts Clerk who resigned on September 15, 2020 from Kadoma Town Council remained on the payroll for three (3) months after termination of employment.

Resultantly, he was paid a total of ZWL45 416.

However, there was no evidence that the amount was ever recovered.

Power Units

The Council entered into a contract agreement on March 27, 2020 for the installation of eight (8) power correction units.

They were supposed to be installed within thirty (30) days of the contract being signed.

Kadoma paid paid ZWL3,6 million from devolution funds.

The amount constituted 80% of the contract amount with the balance being payable upon completion of works.

However, at the time of the audit in July 2022, only one (1) unit was partly installed.

It wasn’t even functional.

The Council procured a motor vehicle (High Rider Single Cab Toyota Hilux 2.4L Diesel)on July 13, 202.

The condition of the deal was that the contractor would delivers the vehicle within six (6) weeks from the signing of the contract.

At the time of the audit in 2022, Council had not yet received the procured vehicle.

Leaking Fuel

In 2019, three hundred (300) litres of fuel at Victory Park were not accounted for.

The stores keeper at Victory Park highlighted that this was due to fuel leakage during delivery.

He further stated that he reported the issue to management.

Upon enquiry, management indicated that they did not have knowledge of the matter.

Network Deals

There was no evidence of a lease agreement with Telecel Zimbabwe for the four (4) boosters within the Council’s area of jurisdiction.

The company had not been paying fees since 2017 having an outstanding balance of ZWL2 260 900 as at 31 December 2021.

In addition, Econet Wireless’ lease agreement was not valid as it expired in 2013.

Missing Bullets

Two (2) senior Council employees were issued with fire arms for personal protection.

However, the issuance of the fire arms was contrary to the conditions of the Firearm Certificates paragraph 3.

The section requires the holder to use the firearms for the purpose of protection of cash, bullion and other valuables in transit only.

In addition, Council’s ammunition record was last updated on January 24, 2012.

At that time it had a balance of six hundred and seventeen (617) rounds of ammunition.

However, at the time of the audit in January 2022, there was a physical balance of three hundred and fifty (350) bullets.

This meant that two hundred and sixty-seven (267) rounds were missing.

The mabsebce of the bullets was not supported with a record detailing the recipients and purpose.

Furthermore, the AG could not ascertain whether the Council could have acquired more ammunition.

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