Staff Reporter

Murewa Rural District Council lost more than 50 bags of cement after failing to utilise them on time.
The cement, acquired through devolution, was meant for the construction of schools.
A 2022 audit report released by Acting Auditor General Rheah Kujinga revealed that building materials for some schools went obsolete.
“The Council received a total of ZWL22 470 830 in devolution funds by September 30, 202.
“It was constructing three (3) clinics and seven (7) schools using the devolution funds.
“However, there was a lack of supervision and proper storage of building materials.
“As a result, the construction of Chiguri Masunzwe Secondary School classroom block which started in 2019 was lagging behind.
“A total of fifty-two bags of cement had dried up before use at the project site and was subsequently replaced.
The report revealed that the local authority risked financial loss due to budget overrun and misappropriation of materials.
It recommended that projects be adequately supervised and be completed in time.
In its response, MRDC said the cement had dried up after the community took long to avail local resources thereby extending the project period.
“The Council had several inventory items such as roofing timber, cement, glazing putty among other things that were damaged.
“Inquiry with management revealed that some timber was bought from as far back as 2019, with the intention of hedging against inflation.
“This was as a result of the community taking a long to complete the project and use the materials.
“There was rotten timber at Manjonjo Primary School which was meant for the construction of Mapukutu Secondary school,” reads the report.