By Correspondent

Kadoma Town Council has been accused of conniving with an alleged ZANU-PF functionary and businessman, Jimmy Remekani to grab community land.
According to the Zimbabwe Human Rights Association (ZimRights) the land has been serving the Ingezi community since 1954.
However Remekani, commonly known in Kadoma as Father Flower, allegedly wants to use the land to build a private school.
“Zimrights is greatly disturbed by the reports that Kadoma City Council is conniving with one Father Flower.”
(He is) a Kadoma-based businessman with connections to the ruling ZANU PF party.
“Father Flowers wants to convert the land for his own business use.
The organisation condemned the land grab saying it, “is a sign of the growing disregard for the rights of the community.
History of Squabbles
In 2022, the Ingezi Sports Community heard rumours that Council had sold Ingezi Grounds, also locally known as Chibuku Grounds, to a local businessman.
The Ingezi Grounds have been a home for community activities, sports tournaments, and other recreational activities since 1954.
It is the host ground for Muzvezve Constituency tournaments, Division 2 clubs, among many other community gatherings.
Over 13 000 community members benefit from the social facility.
Efforts to Reclaim Land
The community approached the previous Mayor of Kadoma, Nyamukondiwa who denied any knowledge of the sale of the grounds.
The previous Councilor for Ward 1, Luke Phiri, also stated that a resolution for the sale of the grounds had been rejected.
However, in August 2023, council plumbers came and installed water connections on the grounds.
Some people, allegedly deployed by Remekani, also brought in cabins to begin construction work.
Residents then wrote to the current Mayor for Kadoma, Nigel Ruzario.
However, Ruzario, after touring the grounds, confirmed that the grounds had been sold to Remekani to build a private school.
There are fears that Kadoma City Council may have corruptly handled the issue.