By Correspondent
-Public Safety and Security with a projected expenditure of USD 43.012 million expected to generate own revenue of USD 4.65 million.
2- There will be a new emergency service levy of 1USD per household to be billed per month.
The programme shortfall will be subsidised by property tax.
3- Ordinary ambulance fees will be reduced by 15% in year 2025.
4- Hospital and clinic fees in 2025 will remain the same as in 2024 to promote access to health by all.
Govt grants for drugs and related programs will cover the shortfall as well as contribution from property tax.
5-For 2025, Harare targets to rehabilitate 33,4 KM of roads and carry out 500 KM of routine maintenance with funding from ZINARA.
However, the allocated figure of USD93.882 207 million indicates a serious funding gap.
6- Harare has conceded in the budget that resources required for the Roads Programme
are beyond the capability of the City.
“We cannot raise the millions of dollars needed utilising the resources from City Parking Private
“We are going ahead with the recapitalisation drive for the Roads Programme.
Augmenting Finances
7- The City’s emergency services require urgent capacitation.
Out of a requirement of 32 ambulances only 4 are functional.
Council is thus proposing the introduction of an emergency services and street lighting levies in the 2025 fiscal year.
8- Material changes to the various business license charges

9-ERP: Council is targeting to bring to finality within the first quarter of 2025 the procurement of an ERP system.
The absence of an ERP system resulted in Govt delaying approving the 2024 budget.
10- Council wants to dispose all assets that no longer have service potential in order to reduce cost of repairs and replace the assets