Here Is What Other African Cllrs Are Paid

3 Min Read

By Pieter Ziegler

Local Government Minister Daniel Garwe this week released a circular outlining the new pay structure for Councillors.

It has create a furore with Cllrs complaining that it’s a mockery to their service to the country.

Notable is that Mayors, the highest paid, will get US$90 per month while ordinary Councillors will get US$75.

Besides a single residential stand there is nothing else as government has introduced a measures to stifle enrichment avenues.

Now all workshops are approved by the Minister and international trips are solely at the discretion of Cabinet.

While some have applauded the changes others charge that it’s a conscious decision for frustrate mainly opposition politicians.

To provide context and comparison we have compiled here the salary structure for South African Councils.

South African Context

In 2023 the SA Minister of Cooperative Governance Thembis Nkadimeng adjusted the salary tables mayors and mayoral executive council members.

Unlike here, in SA the national government does not determine the salaries for municipal managers.

These are determined by council in terms of their budget plans.Central Government only it does sets limits for their salaries and pay.

According to BusinessTech Council salaries are based on a point system which considers the municipal income and the population served by the municipality.

Other Perks

Car Allowance:

A councillor who uses their own privately used vehicle for official duties will be reimbursed for the official kilometres travelled.

Out-of-pocket expenses: A councillor may be reimbursed for reasonable and actual out-of-pocket expenses incurred during the execution of official or ceremonial duties.

Phone allowance:

A councillor may also receive a cell phone allowance of R3,600 per month in accordance with the applicable municipal council policy.

The councillor may also receive an allowance on the use of data bundles not exceeding R317 per month.

Special risk cover:

The municipality must also take out risk insurance to cover the loss or damage to a councillor’s personal immovable or moveable property and assets.

It also covers life and disability cover, for any loss of damage caused by riot civil unrest, strike or public disorder.

The special risk insurance for residential property is limited to R1.5 million and R750,000 for vehicles.

The life and disability cover is limited to two times the total remuneration package of the councillor

(Additional Reporting by BusinessTech)

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