By Pieter Ziegler

In the Old Testament God was a fiery fire that constantly fried enemies into mothballs of smoldering ash at the slightest whiff of sin or opposition.
In the New Testament he is all about love and giving the other cheek or cloak.
The path to salvation is no longer a bloody episode of slaughtered animals and blood-sprayed faces.
It’s all about believing and grace.
The New Testament God is so flexible that some, unbelieving, have remained holding onto the strenuous and rigid beliefs of the Old Testament.
He is too good to be real they say.
Chamisa’s Misdirected Verses
Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) President Nelson Chamisa isn’t one of those holding onto the past in unbelief.
He believes in the new dispensation of grace and salvation through faith.
Unfortunately, Chamisa has carried that attitude, beliefs and approach of the New Testament God to the battlefield against the evil behemoth of ZANU PF.
Such has been Chamisa’s christianized approach to dealing with ZANU PF that even those from within his camp have begun murmuring complaints.
While being feeble against ZANU PF can be a natural reaction considering its inherent appetite for violence against opponents, Chamisa as the main opposition leader, has taken the caution to new levels.
Even his social media speeches and statements are so seasoned with misplaced evangelical affection and canonical hope that they have become a mockery to the wails of many.
The formerly vibrant youth leader has morphed into a flaccid Pastor-Politician whose political speeches can still be delivered to a church congregation and get people repenting.
There is no difference!
The Delimitation Story
While the country is currently seized with the controversial matter of the voters roll and the Delimitation report by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC), Chamisa is on a different planet.
A day after the supposed delimitation report should have been gazetted his comment was: “Being wise not being foolish…The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.”
“Psalms 14:1 Be wise. Choose life, choose a Godly life. Blessed Sabbath beloved!”
The soporific comment, so contrary to the situation, landed awkwardly among the opposition congregation.
“Mr President Nelson Chamisa, don’t you think today of all days, you should have addressed the nation through a press conference and took a stand against ED Mnangagwa’s violation of the Constitution with respect to the delimitation report?
“Isn’t this a moment for strong words?,’ queried former journalist Chofamba Sithole.
Academic Pinimidzai Sithole equally expressed surprise at Chamisa’s move.
“Haiwa, we can be very popular and all but if we don’t make clear, timely and decisive interventions that speak to the masses, there is a high risk of apathy creeping up towards and during the elections.
“I am afraid there is a huge weakness that needs to be addressed. Advisors?
Is Religion A Burden?
It appears religion is beginning to be a weight dragging back Chamisa as his approach has become diluted by the pliant Christian ethos.
Chamisa is seemingly caught in a contradiction as his earthly preoccupation is incompatible with the aspirations of his religious beliefs.
The political field is a carnal platform for those seeking to make it here on earth while his beliefs as a Christian aspire for a home in heaven.
Going by his constant religious utterances on the political field, it seems that his Christian ways are winning and with that ZANU PF.
The opposition leader is failing to infuse his fertile field of supporters and aggrieved ZANU PF haters with enough political zest, nudging them over the rim from the current docility.
This has pained fellow opposition leaders who lack such support like Jacob Ngarivhume.
They can’t believe how Chamisa is wasting the support he has by failing to galvanise it into something to unerve the ruling party.
Now that ZANU PF has told the whole country that it read wrong the constitution and understood not the working of ZEC, relating to the delimitation report, we wait.
For another dose of verse.