By Correspondent
Some Harare Councilors have been on a spree of workshops as they allegedly seek to have their last supper before elections.
According to Harare Residents Trust (HRT) there has been massive abuse of funds due to this.
Abuse of Council Funds
HRT said there is, “rampant abuse of council resources by outgoing councilors in what passes to be maximising on the last supper.
“There have been workshop after workshop in Mutare, Masvingo, Kadoma, Nyanga, and lately Victoria Falls.
Dozens of council officials are also on a spending spree to cash in on allowances.
“We believe that the councilors are trying to raise campaign funds using council resources.
They have been “disguising them as workshops, but very little takes place at those workshops,” it said.
Lack of Capacity
HRT added that the 2018- 2023 Council has been the worst in many respects.
These include on issues of transparency and accountability.
“They are greedy, overzealous and unaccountable to the ratepayers.
“Mayor Jacob Mafume has dismally failed to control the number of workshops that councilors and officials can go outside of Harare.
“Even the returned Town Clerk Engineer Mabhena Moyo appears to have resigned himself to allowing the nonsense to go on without restraint.
Most of the current councilors are not returning to Council after elections.
Only 18 of the 46 councilors passed through the nomination process and are seeking re-election.
The majority 28 councilors failed to be nominated again by their respective political parties.