By Correspondent

Masvingo City Council Health Department has been hit hard by a shortage of staff following resignations, retirement and deaths.
It has since proposed re-engaging 4 retired nurses and advertising for the recruitment of 4 nurses, 2 Environmental Health Technicians and a waste management officer.
Council received seven resignations, one retirement and suffered one death in 2022.
“In order to address the issue of inadequate staffing, the following were proposed.
“That 4 retired nurses be engaged on locum, that 4 nurses’ posts be advertised for recruitment.
Officials have also proposed that Mr I. Zvinorova (Environmental Health Technician), be contracted annually as an extension of employment.
Council also proposed that, “the two posts of Environmental Health Technicians and one waste management officer be advertised.
The requests have since been referred to the Council Human Resources and Gender Committee for consideration.
Suzani Madamombe the city’s health Director has also requested that Council engage the ward health clubs in the solid waste management.
These will augment the current staff shortage as waste generation has increased around the city.
“Consideration was given to the report of the Chief Environmental Health Officer on the request for manpower for solid waste management in the commonage.
“It was reported that the waste generation rate had increased and a proposal was made for the department to engage Health Clubs.
These will boost the current staff compliment and the clubs will be paid over time for one employee.