By Correspondent

ZANU PF is reportedly dragging to state events residents in the Spitzkop area who got houses under Garikai/Hlalani Kuhle.
Spitzkop is a high density and heavily informal location about 20km from Harare CBD along Bulawayo road.
Residents said the recent independence celebrations in Mt Darwin resulted in many being ferried by buses to attend.
“Shamwari kuva nestand kuno yakutoita kunge mhosva (my friend having a stand here now seems like a crime).”
“Whenever there is a state event or even party event we are all expected to attend.
“With the coming elections it has been hectic.
“People have been attending cell and district meetings since the election season began,” said one, Tinarwo.
Another female resident, who refused to be named, added that it was dangerous to fail to attend.
“Various candidates have been campaigning and we are expected to be there.
“It’s dangerous to be known or seen as an opposition supporter.
“We are literally suffering for getting these stands as we have no political options,” she said.
Garikai/Hlalani Kuhle
Operation Garikai/Hlalani Kuhle was launched in June 2005, with the government claiming it would provide better housing to those who lost homes during Operation Murambatsvina.
Contrary to those statements almost none of the victims of Operation Murambatsvina benefited.
Less than 8000 houses were constructed — compared to the 92,460 homes destroyed during Murambatsvina.
United Nations Special Envoy Anna Tibaijuka visited Zimbabwe in the wake of Murambatsvina and said the operation had breached both national and international human rights law.
The then Movement for Democratic Change (MDC-T) dissociated itself from the program saying it was a relic of Zanu-PF’s poor planning.