By Correspondent

One of Norton’s land baron fighters Councilor Laston Tachiona has ditched being independent and joined ZANU PF.
Tachiona is set to contest in the party’s primaries for the MP’s position.
The Councilor is currently for Ward 12 which covers areas such as Kingsdale which is the political hotbed for Norton.
However, the councilor’s decision has not gone down well with a section of the Norton community.
“Is Tachiona real or is a tortoise on a lampost. He can turn out to be the kingpin,” said one Chitakunye.
“Izvo zvivindi zvekuti taswera tisina magetsi imi moti ‘pamberi neZanu PF munozviwanepi,” queried one called Mupamombe.
Tapiwa Chigunwe said the move didn’t make sense.
“I’m shocked because Mr Tachiona worked very hard to do water projects and to get residents to comply, then boom vaenda kuZANU PF.
“That’s his democratic right but there are reasons why he went ikoko,” he said.
On Saturday Tachiona will come up against Constance Shamhu, Godfrey Mugaviri, Moses Nyamayaro, Chris Tinarwo and Daniel Chinosengwa.
Tachiona was one of two independent councilors that won the 2018 elections into Norton Town Council.
The other one was Clr Douglas Chililo of Ward 7.
He is locally known for his campaign against land barons as he has led the Norton Residents Development Trust (NRDT).
His battle for the Kingsdale residents to acquire full ownership of their stands from Cuthbert Mpame’s Maparahwe Properties has dragged on for years.