By Correspondent

Masvingo City Council’s Health Department has raised a red flag over an outbreak of mumps virus (makwirikwizha) in council schools.
In a statement it said the increase in cases of mumps has become a cause of concern for council.
The outbreak has disrupted learning and is likely to go out of hand in the community after schools closed.
“Currently we have recorded a number of cases and the numbers are expected to grow.
“In order to minimize mumps in schools as well as in the community the infected should be isolated from others until they recuperate,” reads the statement.
Council controls the majority of primary education in the city with 4 primary schools under it.
Meanwhile, Government has only three schools under it.
Mumps are spread by coughing, sneezing or direct contact with saliva of an infected person.
Symptoms take 2 to 3 weeks after exposure to the virus.
It starts by fever, headache, loss of appetite and tiredness.
Later on the infected person will start developing swelling on the salivary glands.
The virus affects mostly children and there is no known cure of the virus.