By Correspondent

Newly installed Harare Mayor Ian Makone reiterated Harare’s objection to the US$340 million Pomona Project before President Mnangagwa at the commissioning of the project on Monday.
Addressing delegates, who included President Mnangagwa, at the commissioning of the Geo-Pomona Waste Management Project Makone cited issues from the previous administration.
“As regards the project at Pomona, the previous Council made certain observations which were communicated to the then Minister of Local Government and Public Works.
“We have recently written to the new Minister of Local Government and Public Works and it is my prayer that the issues raised, not only by Council but several stakeholders may be addressed.
“This occasion provides an opportunity for consultation with appropriate officials to determine technical solutions that work for everyone.
Makone’s stance is a continuation of Council’s opposition to the shady deal since former Mayor Jacob Mafume’s tenure.
The Mafume-led Council refused to agree to the deal claiming that it was irregularly done.
Council also said the exorbitant deal was bad for them and residents.
In meetings conducted then Mafume said they had made their position clear.
“We made it very clear that they will not touch council funds or devolution funds.
“We also demanded our dumpsite back,” Mafume said.
The Pomona project will see Harare pay at least US$22 000 a day and US$14,6m a year.
This translates to more than US$344 million for 30 years to Geogenix B.V as the company is expected to turn waste into energy.
However central government accused Mafume and other councilors of intransigence.
The Local Government Ministry accused Mafume and CCC councillors of sabotaging the project.
“However, Government takes note with concern that there are belligerent councilors within City of Harare, who include the Mayor.
“(They) are determined to frustrate the smooth implementation of this agreement which was put in place by the same Council.
Makone’s position to continue in fighting against the deal sets him on a collision course with central government.
President Mnangagwa has set the initiative as one of the prime projects in the capital.
The new dumpsite, which is still under construction, will have recreational facilities such as basketball courts and a restaurant.