By Correspondent
ZANU PF has begun showing its financial might on the campaign field threatening to drag away all support using money.
Aspiring Councilors for ZANU-PF in Norton have gone all-out with a raft of programs to entice the electorate.
Soon after his nomination aspiring Ward 7 Councilor Tinashe Machemedze has already rolled out water and roads programs.
Machemedze has been providing water to Ward 7 residents responding to one of the major challenges in the town.
Norton buys water from Harare but gets a measly 5 mega litres against a demand of 25 megal litres per day.
This means many residents go without water for long periods.
Machemedze has also begun a road rehabilitation program covering Marshlands which is still undeveloped.
“This is more than a campaign.
“It’s a sign that once allowed the full might of council apparatus I can bring about effective change,” he said.
Same Pattern
Meanwhile, incumbent Ward 11 Councilor Tino Mafusire has also been flexing financial might.
Last month he unveiled a new borehole that will be servicing the whole of Ward 11.
The ZANU PF councilors have also been sponsoring soccer teams, social clubs and providing social assistance for the vulnerable.
This is in stark contrast with CCC candidates most of whom are yet to be formally chosen.
Most of those who are eager to contest have failed to match the financial power of ZANU PF.
Instead, they have had to rely on the release of manifestos and fliers to the public.
However, in an environment where politics is heavily influenced by money the conditions are not good for CCC.
Modus Operandi
The situation in Norton mirrors that in Bulawayo’s Cowdray Park and Harare’s Mabvuku.
In Mabvuku, gold baron Scott Sakupwanya, has been carrying out many programs supposedly under the purview of the local authority.
He has done roads and provided vehicles for garbage collection.
The same method won him his current position as Councilor and could propel him into Parliament.
Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube is also splashing a lot of cash in Cowdray Park as he seeks to enter Parliament.