ZANU PF Accused of Importing Voters
By Correspondent ZANU PF has been accused of importing voters into Norton…
Why Chamisa Winning Will Contradict Nature of African Politics
By Correspondent In 2014/15 Afrobarometer carried out a survey across five African…
Council Regularizes 5000 Illegal Stands
By Correspondent Over 5000 illegal stands are set to be regularised by…
Mwonzora Hits At Chamisa, Recalls More Councilors
By Correspondent MDC-T leader Douglas Mwonzora has recalled three more Councilors from…
Over US$100K Disappears At Bikita Council
By Tonderai Saharo Bikita Rural District Council cannot show any development despite…
Council Turns Bar Into Clinic
Staff Reporter Marondera Municipality is set to turn the popular Kasipiti Bar…
CCC Candidate Selection In Limbo
By Correspondent The selection of candidates for the Citizens Coalition for Change…
Council Loses US$200K In Mbare Biogas Digester Boob
By Correspondent Harare City Council has lost over US$200 000 after the contracted…
Mwonzora Goes After CCC Candidates
By Correspondent MDC-T leader Douglas Mwonzora has warned party members from participating…
Chamisa Kicks Out Masvingo Mayor
By Correspondent Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader Nelson Chamisa has reportedly…